Ascendant vs uberlayer
Ascendant vs uberlayer

You admire your Aries qualities, identifying yourself as spontaneous, competitive, aggressive, enthusiastic, energetic, independent, athletic, and a take-no-shit, no-nonsense type of person.

ascendant vs uberlayer

And when you can finally own up to the DC aspects of your personality, you will no longer need to cycle through partnerships in order to become enlightened to your true self.Īn Aries AC sees the world through an egocentric lens of vibrant colours, easily surmountable challenges, and high-minded optimism. When you battle and resolve issues with them, you bring these two ends of your chart closer together. You do this by attracting people who embody these qualities into your life, forming outward relationships to unite the inner forces of your own personality. The ultimate task is to bring these two halves together, incorporating your DC into your identity, and loving and accepting the parts of yourself you don't want to own up to. But take a step outside of yourself and look at your actions through the eyes of someone else, and you may realize how unlike yourself you are when you are around someone you love. You see yourself through your AC, and partners see you through your DC. Your lovers and spouses and everybody else in your Seventh House will tell you it's there, because that's how they see you. Whether or not you want to believe it, your DC is still very much a part of who you are. Why? It's an "opposites attract" sort of magnetism. Yet - curiously enough - you are drawn to the qualities of this Sign over, and over, and over again in the people you meet and form relationships with. It is the opposite of everything you identify as, so it stands to irritate or even infuriate you to be around it. These are the qualities you disassociate from, deny, repress, ignore, or refuse to acknowledge exist within your personality. Sometimes referred to as your " Shadow Side", as the opposite of your AC, this Sign is everything that you aren't. The DC, on the other hand, begins the Seventh House of Relationships. Your AC is a mask you climb into that you've made for yourself  the identity you've made out of qualities you like and admire most. It's the personality quirks you tell people you have, what you know you are like, what you want to see yourself as. It's the way you hold your body, the expression on your face, and the way you look out at the world. It is how you dress, how you do your hair, your make-up, your nails, your shoes.

ascendant vs uberlayer

Your Sun may be who are in the centre of your planetary personality - your ego, your conscious, your identity - but your AC is the constructed image you decorate yourself with. These are the qualities you see and accept in yourself, which you wear proudly for all the world to see. The AC begins the First House of Self, the domain of everything you are and see yourself as. These two angles may rule opposing Houses, but they connect, rather than divide, a chart's separate halves. The Descendant, or DC, sits on the right, on the western horizon where the sun descended under the horizon at dusk. The Ascendant, or AC, or Rising Sign, lies on the left, on the eastern horizon, where the Sun ascended into the sky at dawn.

ascendant vs uberlayer

Maybe if I'd bought it in a big enough size to be worn as my change over/ belay layer then it'd be worth keeping.Īlso on a day to day basis, if it's colder than just a 100 weight fleece day I use the Ventrix as my go to jacket.The Ascendant and Descendent lie at two opposite ends of your Natal Chart, beginning the First and Seventh Houses, respectively. Climbing/ Lifts was kinda a different thing, but not enough for me to want to keep it. So it'd have to be REALLY cold for me to want to use it while Touring (which was almost never). The RAB even though it was really warm and light as hell would trap body moisture almost better than Goretex. For the real cold days the mid fleece will get switched out for insulation. Usually it's thicker base layer, a 100-150 weight fleece, then a 2L Gore Shell. I don't even use any sort of synthetic/ down insulation for lift skiing most times. Even a non bonded softshell (schoeller 400) for me doesn't breath as well as the Ventrix. If it is windy/ cold enough for the wind to blow out the heat that I'm putting out then usually a softshell will go over that. So my go to for going uphill is thin base layer (almost zero insulation value), then the Ventrix over that. I run really hot, and sweat super easily once I get moving so having breathable stuff for me is imperative. Why? Everything you just said goes against the entirety of this thread.

Ascendant vs uberlayer